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Leader Recognition

"The most worth-while thing is to try to put happiness into the lives of others"

-Lord Robert Baden-Powell

If you are here you are most likely a Scout or a Scouter.  Which ever it is, thank you.  For the Scout, thank you for being willing and eager to learn.  For the Scouter, thank you, for taking the time to share what you have with others.  Immediate recognition is a powerful incentive of the BSA’s advancement program.  For Scouts this means that as soon as a scout earns an achievement, a rank or a belt loop, they should be rewarded for it.  Often, this same sense of reward gets overlooked when we think about our Scouters. This website is where you can go to get information about Scouter Knots, Scouter Recognition as well as our annual District Recognition Dinner.  You can use these resources to help recognize our  Scouters for the amazing work that they do.  Thank you, for everything you do.  

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